New Square Dental wishes to assure all patients and visitors that we are fully aware of the latest advice issued by Public Health England regarding the spread of Coronavirus and that we operate “Universal Cross Infection Control”, meaning that all patients and staff are protected to the highest level from contamination by recognised infective agents.
What is the advice to patients and the public?
The advice to the public is to call NHS 111 now if:
- You have symptoms and you have travelled to the UK from Iran, Wuhan or Hubei Province in China and any Special care zones in South Korea (Daegu, Cheongdo, Gyeongsan) in the last 14 days
- You have returned from Italy since 9 March 2020
- You have been in close contact with someone with confirmed Coronavirus
- You have been asked to self-isolate
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, to protect yourself and others, please call NHS 111